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Green Crops



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Vineyard Cultivation and Management


Grape Harvesting and crushing

The first step in wine production is to plant grapevines in suitable soil and climate conditions. Vineyard management involves tasks, such as pruning, fertilizing, watering, weed control, and pest management.

In autumn, ripe grapes are harvested by manual or mechanical picking. The timing is crucial for sugar content, acidity, and flavor. After harvesting, grapes are crushed at the winery to extract juice for fermentation.


Fermentation and aging

During fermentation, grape sugars turn into alcohol and carbon dioxide, with natural or added yeast. Then, wine undergoes aging in barrels or tanks, influenced by temperature and humidity, based on its type and style.


Marketing and Sales

After aging, wine is filtered, bottled, and potentially blended for quality. Then, it's marketed through events, retailers, restaurants, and online platforms for consumer access.

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24/7 Support

Our customers deserve the highest level of support, and we work tirelessly to maintain those standards. When you choose to work with our team, know that you are consistently choosing quality and excellence. Customer service is at the heart of everything that we do.

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